You are such a big 4 month old! Almost everyone who meets you can't believe you are only 4 months old. You outgrew all your 6 month clothes a long time ago and now your 9 month clothes are starting to get tight. Your cheeks are getting fuller and your thighs are so squishy, I love them! You are still a very happy baby. However, you are starting to get a little harder to please. We move you from your swing, to your bouncy seat, to your playmat, to your bumbo to our arms about 5 times every day. You are not as happy in your bouncy seat or swing as you used to be. You prefer your playmat because you can roll around and touch your toes and look at yourself in the mirror, which is pretty hilarious. I stopped swaddling you at night about a week ago and you are doing really well sleeping through the night. I am happily surprised at how you took to it so quickly. In fact, you got kinda mad at me today when I tried to wrap a blanket around your arms during your nap. You really wanted your arms to be free, so I freed them and you slept great. I guess it's the first step of letting you find your wings.
Although I have forgiven you, you've ruined several of your very cutest outfits with this crazy phenomena where your poo goes straight up your back. Baby girls don't do that, so it has been stumping me. How on earth can you be sitting up in your bumbo and all the sudden there is poo all the way up to your neck. All I know to do is put you in the bath and oxi-clean the daylights out of those clothes. Some have been saved, others have not. I need some boy-mama advice on this one... is there any diaper that can withstand this? It's happened in at least two different brands of diapers.
We have started having to go into a quiet place to nurse because if you hear your sisters in the room, you will not focus on the task. You will strain your eyes as far as you can to see what they are doing. You definitely want to be a part of the fun.
You are getting on a fairly regular nap & sleep routine. You go to bed when the girls do, around 8 - 8:30. You get to attend family prayer time before bed now and your sissies all want to hold your hands or feet while we pray. You wake up anytime betwen 5 - 6:30 am. Wish that was more regular, but hopefully once we start solids, you will get more consistent. You usually doze off once in the early morning after we're all downstairs, then I put you in your crib for a nap around mid-morning and you sleep for about an hour or so. Then after lunch you go back in your crib and you sleep for 2-3 hours, which makes your mama feel like a new person. You doze off again around supper time for a few minutes, and that is about it. You still eat every 2.5 - 3 hours, except at night and during that long afternoon nap, you can go 4-4.5 hours.
So far, some of your nicknames include: Bo-bee, Bo-sephus, Bo-Bo, but usually just Bo.
You are so precious and so loveable. Your smile and laughter makes me light up inside. We are all so thankful and happy to have you be a part of our family.