Bodie turned 7 months last week. Here's our little cutie. I am having lots of fun putting him in cute boy shoes now that it is cooler outside.
it was such a beautiful day and this pumpkin patch was just right for our group.
So even though Avery prayed the prayer with me about a year ago, I don't think she really understood it until Wednesday. She was excited and beaming and so convinced of her answers to the questions. So we believe Avery gave her heart to Jesus and was saved on Oct. 26, 2011. When we got in the car to go to church that Wednesday night, we were just going because we thought our kids would enjoy watching some big strong guys break baseball bats and chop cinder blocks in half. We had no idea God had arranged to draw His child, our child Avery, into His family, once and for all in that place.
She was very excited when our children's pastor called the next day to ask if she wants to be baptized. We were planning for her to be baptized in church today, but found out a few days ago that after Brian is ordained as a deacon on Wednesday, he will be allowed to baptize her himself! So we are planning for Brian to baptize Avery in church in two weeks! I can honestly say I would never have dreamed that would happen, but I am so thankful for God's faithfulness to our family.
Just today, God answered three very specific prayers I've been praying. It's so exciting serving a God that listens and comes to the rescue.
First, I am supposed to give a talk at our women's retreat in a couple weeks, just a 30 minute breakout session. God already showed me what He wants me to talk about, but I haven't been able to actually write the talk and every time I sit down to get my thoughts together, I feel like my mind turns to mush. Literally, I feel like my brain is mashed potatoes. Finally I realized that that is the enemy and God is not a God of confusion or mush. So I stayed home from church this morning with Bodie, who has been sick, so it was a good morning to stay home from church. And I prayed specifically that God would let Bodie take a long morning nap and that He would give my brain clarity and focus so I could write my talk. He totally did. When Brian & the girls got home around lunchtime, Bodie was still asleep and I had just finished writing my closing thoughts. Answered prayer.
My brother and his girlfriend came by to visit us today. I love my brother and was so glad he would finally get to meet Bodie. He has been living in Washington DC and hasn't made it here since Bo was born. So I was very excited to have Matthew & Tracie come visit. We had such a great time catching up. Answered prayer.
Uncle Matt & Bo
We are paying out of pocket for Avery's learning center fees... long story short, it's expensive and we're tight as it is, so I wasn't exactly sure how we were going to pay for November. I've been praying for God to provide and give us wisdom with our money. So tonight I received a check from someone who told me that I had taught her something. That instead of using the money to buy a "fishers of men" themed gift, she wanted to use that money to put "fishers of men" into action. So she gave us the price of the gift she was going to buy, which was the exact amount we need to pay for November. Answered prayer.
This has been an encouraging day. God has reminded me over and over that life is not about the mountain top experiences. It's about living out the daily task, the mundane, the everyday stuff with a Christlike attitude. Doing the next thing, however small, makes me feel His presence with me, sometimes with even more authenticity than those "high" times.