we did have two head injuries this week. i don't know what that says about my skills as a SAHM, but i like to think it was all in the name of fun, so it's okay. avery's head injury occured at our neighborhood playground. there is a big metal wheel thing attached to the top of a platform, and you can hold on to it and let it take you for a ride, if you know how to let it bring you all the way back to the platform. well, my brave little avery gave it a try by herself and let go too soon, so she face-planted into the playground wood shavings. it scratched her little forehead & cheek up, but she was fine within 5 minutes. i think it scared her (and me) more than anything. i also think it altered her personality b/c the last couple days since it happened, she has been a monster. seriously, testing everything i say. when i scold her, she says, "don't talk back to me, mama." Lord, give me patience!

great news! i had my first appointment with my new OB this morning, and praise the Lord, it was great! i mean i don't love going to the OB but i was so relieved to find this doctor so kind & caring that i cried after he & the nurse left my room. God does answer prayer. also, i got to hear my baby's heartbeat, it was very strong. it was 172, i've never known what that means, or what is normal range, so if anyone can interpret that for me, that would be great. i am just so glad to know there is actually a baby in there with a healthy beating heart. also, i finally got my due date: january 9, 2009.
we took a trip to katy mills mall last night b/c that is the only place in town with an old navy maternity. i was so excited to find some cute stretchy shorts that should get me through these awkward months of being too big to fit into my regular shorts but not quite big enough to fit into the wide-banded maternity clothes. it is truly amazing what a couple new clothing options can do for your mood and self-esteem.
this picture of tate is just too cute not to share. we have been bumming at the pool alot this summer. with this heat, that's about the only thing i can tolerate for very long outdoors.

another deep thought: my poor children have to listen to me sing pretty often. tatum still likes it, but avery sometimes sings over me to drown out my voice. anyway, i like to sing them hymns b/c they are soothing to me and i think somehow the words of those songs have power to help my children learn about Jesus. also i am the daughter of a church organist so i grew up napping to the sound of my mom playing hymns on the piano/organ downstairs. a few of my favorites are "come thou fount", "and can it be?", and "blessed assurance". the other night i was singing "come thou fount" and i actually listened to myself sing the words. i was thinking of a loved one who is making bad decisions right now and then i heard myself sing these words: "Jesus sought me when a stranger, wandering from the fold of God. He to rescue me from danger, interposed His precious blood." i sang it again and let the Lord remind me that it is He who leaves the 99 to search for the one who is lost. i've been that one before and i praise God He didn't just leave me on my own, but found me and captured my heart. even when we purposely wander away from Him, He never gives up on us. the words in that song have become my prayer for my loved one who desperately needs Jesus to seek him out.