Tuesday, July 1, 2008


i'm mostly writing this post for myself to look at, but i'm also hoping somebody will offer some enlightening advice that might make this decision for me.
okay, so i signed my teaching contract back in may. although i've prayed otherwise, i feel peace that somehow God will get me through another school year. i'm really not complaining... i teach half-day, i really DO like teaching, it's just that i really really really like being home with my kids all day and not missing out on any of their day.
so here's my quandary: do i continue working early morning from 7:25-10:10 AM or do i try a switcheroo to later in the day from 10:16 AM-1:34 PM??? i've consulted both my school and my MIL, Sharla, who comes over to my house and keeps my kiddos while i'm at work, and both are fine either way. so really it is up to me. i hate when it is totally up to me. i really prefer sometimes to be told what to do.
anyway, i'm going to make a list of things that are good and bad about both options, and hopefully one will outweigh the other:

teach early morning (7:25 - 10:10 AM):
1. get work over with and am home by 10:30 AM - rest of the day to do whatever
2. students are usually better behaved during early morning classes
3. get to sponsor FCA (we meet before school)
4. can meet friends for lunch/playdates whenever i want
5. get to pick avery up from preschool on T/Th
6. get full advantage of girls' nap time to get things done

1. when i get home at 10:30, i am TIRED and all i want to do is lay on the couch
2. tatum goes down for a nap right when i get home, so really i don't get to spend much time with her (however, that means good quality time with avery)
3. i feed them lunch, while we're all tired, we play for a little while, then they go down for afternoon nap - that's not very much quality time
4. i would have to float to two different rooms for my 3 classes - UGH!

teach later morning (10:16 AM - 1:34 PM):
1. get to sleep past 5:30 AM (with a new baby in january, this might be the decision-maker!!)
2. get to wake up my sleeping beauties, feed them breakfast, dress them, etc. they are so precious early in the morning!
3. get to take avery to preschool on T/Th and drop her off
4. i would have a built-in lunch break so i could get grading done at school
5. i am a much better mom in the first few hours of the day than i am after i get home from work, when i'm exhausted.
6. i would have the same classroom for all 3 classes (no floating from room to room)

1. no playdates/lunches with friends
2. would have to find another teacher to sponsor FCA :(
3. my students might be NUTS in the afternoon
4. when i get home at 1:45, i may not have much time left of the girls' naps to rest/get things done

okay, looking at this list, it really doesn't help me decide. but i am leaning toward switching to the later morning simply b/c of sleeping in an extra hour or so. am i crazy? i don't know. any advice is completely welcome.


nikki said...

I know what you mean about the decision making. I don't do well making decisions.

It's nice that both options sound like they'll have great benefits.

I have no idea what you should do. I would totally pick the sleep in option if it were me. But I think I need a little more sleep than is typical.

I'm glad to be back online to check out how you guys are doing! We're so excited about another niece/nephew!!

Ronda said...

If you sleep in later, you may have more energy to handle crazy kids and still feel good when you get home. Also, you may have very little to do once your home if grading is completed at school.

How often do you do playdates? Would you be missing out on alot of time with other moms?

Jennifer Kindle said...

Decisions decisions...the sleeping in would help make me decide on teaching afternoons but I also know that when I had more store and didn't have to be there until 10ish or so I didn't get ANYTHING done in the mornings so when I got home in the afternoons I was crazy and grouchy running around trying to get all the house stuff done & get dinner ready. So....disregard when the girls nap, playdates, etc and decide what part of the day you have your best attitude and pick to be home then....because your kids want you when you're in a good mood!