It was such a beautiful day, and being out in the country, the sunset was so beautiful. It was a great 30th birthday, spent with good friends and my sweet little family.
So a little more about my birthday...Brian told me one night last week he was going to take the girls shopping for my present. Me, not wanting to be left out, asked if I could just ride in the car with them and keep my eyes closed, so I won't know where they're going. He said okay. So we got in the car and he started driving, but he never told me to close my eyes. He pulled right up to Best Buy. I was thinking, "Okay, just be grateful that he thought of something, even if it's not exactly what i wanted, just go with it." (I was hoping for books or baby stuff - I know I'm a dork). Anyway, I planned to just sit in the car so he could take the girls in and buy whatever electronic device he thought I needed. But he said I could come in and pick out a new CAMERA!!!! I would've never dreamed! Anyway, he had already done all the research and suggested 2 or 3 that he thought would be good, so we got me a brand new Canon digital camera, it's blue so small and pretty, and I just love it! It's way better than my old camera, no grainy pictures anymore!!! Sweet man. I am still figuring out how to use it, so hopefully I can post some pictures very soon.
Then he got the girls up early Saturday and they brought me home a big bouquet of flowers and balloons (of course, Nemo was on one of the balloons, my girls would stand for nothing less!) and donuts for breakfast. If that's not the best 30th birthday ever, I don't know what is!
So last week at school, our FCA t-shirts came in. The kids designed them, I just ordered them and passed them out. I think they did a great job. You can view the design here. Anyway, we sold over 100 of these shirts on our campus to teachers and students and I am so excited to see so many people at our school proclaiming the new life that can be found in Christ. Galatians 2:20 was the theme of His Hill Bible School, where I went after high school. It was there I really understood for the first time the exchange of life Christ offers us in this verse. "An unfair deal on the part of Christ... He got my sin, I got eternal life!". (that's from a Shane & Shane song) Anyway, I was really happy when our students chose Gal. 2:20-21 to be our theme this year for FCA, and I pray that God will use our huddle & our shirts to spread His hope this year in our school.
This morning when I got to 1st period, one of my students asked me if she could put a poster on my door. I said "sure, what is it?" and she turned it around and it was a poster for me... I was chosen the "Teacher of the Week" this week! I've never really been the teacher that all the students just adore, I mean they don't hate me, but I've just never been the most popular teacher. Not that that matters, but it was just really special that the students voted (the dance team actually) and they chose me! So there was an announcement on the PA this morning about me, and how much Panther Pride I have! Ha, I think that's pretty funny, but it really made my day.
And to top it all off, the past couple days I've been feeling the Lord telling me to slow down. I have consciously made myself slow down and enjoy the little things the girls do each day and not hurry through them. Amazingly, I've felt alot more peace than I have in a long time. Tatum & I have taken several naps together, which may not seem like a big deal, but for me it is. I am so busy, I feel like I always need to put her down in her crib for naptime, so I can get things done. So twice this past week, I decided I was going to just sit myself in the recliner and let her nap on me as long as her little heart desires. She is such a blessing, and I know these days are passing so quickly, that if I don't take advantage of these moments, they will be gone before I know it.
I have also been letting Avery help me cook. Again, may not seem like a big deal, but for me, it is huge. Why? I don't like messes. Messes mean I have to clean. But in an effort to enjoy these moments, I let Avery cook mac & cheese a couple nights ago, and rice krispy treats for our day at the ranch on Saturday. Yes, there were (are) rice krispies all over my floor, and yes, there was mac & cheese all over the stovetop and counter, but like I said, these days will not be here forever, so I am determined to embrace the mess because I love Avery so much, and she loves cooking. By the way, it is now Monday and I still haven't swept my floor... the rice krispies are still there, and I hear them crunch every time I stand in a certain spot. The point is, I am trying to just have fun enjoying my kids and not trying to rush through life to get everything done. It's just not worth it.
Last weekend, we went to the pumpkin patch with Brian's family and here's some pictures of our fun day:
farmer avery
avery & tatum
you can do it, tate!
tatum driving the john deere!
the four of us (almost five)!
avery & daddy in the big wheel
you can do it, tate!
tatum driving the john deere!

the four of us (almost five)!