Last week was the sickest i have been in at least 5 years. I can't describe how horrible I felt all week. Something just hit me, I don't know if it was walking pnuemonia or just a really really bad cold, but I was a miserable mess... coughing, hacking (and thus peeing in my pants) unmercifully, nose just out of control, sore throat, achy and tired, pretty much everything hurt. I slept in the recliner all week b/c I felt bad coughing all night and keeping Brian up. I only slept 2-3 hours/night all week. Anyway, I did finally go to the doctor and I know I haven't been that sick in 5 years b/c I had to update my address at the doctor's office ... they still had the address of the apartment we lived in before we bought our house 5 years ago! Anyway, thankfully there is a (very weak) antibiotic I was able to get and it has been helping, very slowly.
So here's some pictures from Halloween. We went to the fall festival at our church and the girls had a lot of fun. Avery was a blue Care Bear, and Tatum was a bunny rabbit. Not bad for $7 costumes from the resale store!!!
This is the back of my blue Care Bear (holding her blue Care Bear):

the petting zoo

tatum in the bounce house (notice her cute furry tail)

playing in the toddler room

cute little bunny rabbit

A & T last sunday after church

Really not much has been going on, since I've been sick, we've cancelled alot of things that we had planned to do. There was a
Derek Webb concert last night that I was crazy to go to in Bryan, but we ended up not going. I was really disappointed to miss it becasue I know Waterdeep probably won't be back around these parts for a long time, but you can only do so much when you're pregnant, and I am learning my limits.
I did go to church yesterday. I had missed the past two Sundays, and I really miss church when I don't get to go. It was so good to see all our friends in Sunday school, and one of our Sunday school teachers gave a really good message about not being a stumbling block to those around us. He said it's better to view yourself as the "weaker" one if you choose to refrain from some questionable activity, rather than allow yourself to be prideful in thinking you are better than those who do partake. I never thought about it that way, but I think subconciously I have been trying to do that, so I was glad to hear it put into words. I hate my own pride in the worst way, and I do want to rid myself of that horrible attitude and mindset that anything about me is better than anyone else.
"May it never be that I should boast, except in the cross of Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world." Gal. 6:14Anyway, my mom is here this week to keep the girls while I'm at work, so it's been fun having her visit. She is planning to take the girls back to SA with her on Wednesday, so Brian & I are hoping to get some things done around the house... my main goal is to paint & decorate the nursery. The nesting instinct has kicked in and I am so excited to try to get our house under control before this baby gets here... only 8.5 weeks to go!