Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I'm Embarrassed Today

Yeah, I probably spelled the title wrong too.

This morning as I packed the girls' lunches for MDO, I realized they are probably as sick of PB&J as I am and probably won't eat it if I do pack it, so I packed the following in each of their lunch bags:

Yogurt & spoon
Nutri-Grain bar
Ritz peanut butter crackers sandwiches
Bag of goldfish(for snacktime)
I almost packed an applesauce but I only had two left and I knew I would need them for tonight at Brian's volleyball game.

Yes, I know these are all snack foods and not really "lunch" but I haven't had a chance to go the grocery store lately and I'm trying to clean out all the excess in the pantry. I had no idea anyone noticed what was packed in a 2 year olds' lunch, anyway.

So around 12:30, the director of the MDO called me on my cell phone while Laney & I were out running errands, and asked me if I knew that there was only a yogurt, granola bar and crackers in Tatum's lunch. I told her I knew that and I thought it would be plenty to fill Tatum up until I picked her up in two hours. She even offered to get Tatum a hot dog from the catered lunches (which I had declined to order for my kids today). I know Tatum and I know she loves yogurt and granola bars and I knew she would be perfectly happy with that lunch and like I said, I would be picking her up in TWO HOURS! Anyway, I assured the director that I thought she would be okay with that lunch and we hung up. I immediately felt the shame and redness creep up my neck into my face and i was so humiliated that they thought I was such a bad mom that I would pack such a lousy lunch for my child! Guess I need to throw a PB&J in there from now on just for show, so that I don't get any more phone calls.

It was in this frame of mind that I went to Target... has it ever bugged anyone else that there are like 30 handicapped parking spots in the front and the regular spots don't start until your nearly a mile away from the store? Seriously, I am all for accomodations, but I have never EVER seen more than 4 cars parked in any of those 30 spots at one time. There should be at least a few spots for "mothers of small children" in their place.

Academy made me happy. Tomorrow is breast cancer awareness day at school and since my good friend and co-worker Carol is battling breast cancer right now, I really wanted to partipate in the activities of the day, so I found a cute "Fight Like A Girl" shirt at Academy that I can wear tomorrow. I think Carol will love it!

I'm pretty glad this day is almost over. Thank you Lord that your mercies are new every morning. Great is Thy faithfulness!


Rachelle said...

Melanie......girl, do NOT be embarrassed about what you packed for lunch. I think that is a perfectly fine lunch. I have packed something very similar in Wade's lunch many times. I honestly cannot believe someone would call you over that lunch. Maybe that woman was having a really bad day and needed to make someone else feel bad and you just happened to be in her path. Seriously girl, don't waist anytime worrying about that. I am so with you on not getting to the store and just using what you got. haha Tonight for dinner, I gave Wade sweet potatoe chips for his vegtable. You are not alone. We do the best we can as mommies (esp. a mommie of 3!!) You are a great mom!!!

nikki said...

Are you serious?!? I really can't believe they called you about that. It's a great lunch. Oh yeah, a HOT DOG is a way better option... Give me a break.

I agree with Rachelle, don't spend any more time thinking about that. It's just bizarre that they thought they needed to call you because you didn't pack something with bread in it. Lame.

Jennifer Kindle said...

yes....all those unused parking spots bug the tar out of me too....agreed! They should have a spot for us with all these kids!

I can't believe she called you about her lunch. Crew is lucky if he gets more than that.....grated cheese in a bowl and a piece of lunch meet with a caprisun is usually the norm around here....that's what he eats at home so why not!

Don't ever let someone else make you feel stupid about that...you're the momma!

Amanda said...

Jackson has definitely had similar lunches. I can't believe you got a call over that!

Tiffany said...

Mel....I did the same exact thing this week for my girls and it was NOT the first time! I am all about cleaning out the pantry and avoiding the store at all costs until necessary. Wow...can't believe you got a call on that.

Erica said...

That is CRAZY that she called you. I packed lunches like that all the time! The other day I made the girls a peanut butter platter for lunch. I put a big spoon of peanut butter in the middle of the plate and surrounded it with crackers, carrots, apples, etc. They loved it. Sometimes for dinner the girls want a peanut butter bagel. I think my mom was apalled that I actually fed them that for dinner, but they were totally fine with it! That is so ridiculous...kids like snacks better anyways! You are a great mom. Don't let anyone make you feel otherwise!