Sunday, February 14, 2010

Oh Canada...

Happy Valentines Day and happy 9th anniversary of our engagement to Brian & I... all i can say is I am happier today than I have ever been before and it is because God is good and because Brian is just right for me and I think I am for him. It's nice that we've reached a stage in our marriage where we really don't fight that much and we "get" each other so much better than we did when we first got married.

I love the Olympics... when I was in 3rd grade, when someone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I always said I wanted to be in the Olympics. At the time, I was going to be an Olympic runner. Then it was basketball. Now it's halfpipe snowboarding. But I don't like being cold so I don't know how I'll ever acheive that goal. And I'm pretty sure those girls didn't pick up the sport at age 31. But they are so cool.

Some of my favorite people in the world are from Canada. I had the privelege of rooming with three different Canadians, two of them from British Columbia, and one from Ontario, during my years at His Hill. To Bec, Jill and Tash - you are my favorite Canadians in the whole world. I have never laughed so much in my life as I did those years I spent with my crazy funny Canadians. I am cracking up right now just thinking about all the stupid, immature, but hilarious things we did together. Competing to see who could stuff the most grapes in our mouths, eating grapefruit by the dozens, playing guitar together on the Guadalupe, late late late night talks about God and boys, spending the weekends in my parents house and doing all our laundry, sharing clothes, finding new Christian bands to listen to, running together, swimming laps in the pool at 6AM, finding out who we were, finding out who God was, I LOVE my Canadians. I thank God for your influences on my life.

So we signed Avery up for Kindergarten last week. It hurts me to think that these first 5 years of her life have flown by so so quickly, and I want to go back and rewind and relive all those fun times with her as a little toddler, but the harsh reality hits me that those days are gone. And once she starts Kindergarten, it seems like 1st grade through 12th grade will all happen so fast! I'm not ready to go there. But the rational side of me realizes that she is so ready for the challenges of Kindergarten. She loves to learn new things and she loves her friends. We are so thankful God led us just a couple months ago to a half-day Kindergarten that is Christ-centered and very "hands-on", which I think Avery will love. Tatum & Laney will get to go two days a week to the same school, just down the hall in the preschool wing, so I think they will all enjoy going to school together next year.

I'm tearing up watching Hannah Kearney get her gold medal. I am so happy for her! I love the way her pigtails stuck out through her helmet when she skiied. I love how she takes it all in as she listens to our national anthem. I'm so proud to be an American! If I ever move somewhere cold and take on the half-pipe, I'm pretty sure she & I would be tight.


Amanda said...

Ahh! Kindergarten! I'm so glad you found a great place for Avery to go. You'll have to fill me in on the details later.

Jennifer Kindle said...

I think you could totally train for the Olympics now with all you have going on!!! Go for it!!!! I loved this post and am so thankful you had friends at His Hill like that....they molded you into everything that I love about you!

Erica said...

Sweet friend, I know transitions are tough. That kindergarten program sounds great! Where did you sign her up? 1/2 day is the way to go, I think!
I love watching the Olympians get their medals, too.