Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Four Years Ago Today....

I became a mom. Thank you Lord for the amazing privilege & blessing it is to be called "momma."

Here I am with my firstborn, my mom and her mom. Four generations of us. Makes me miss Nonie so much. Makes me so thankful for my precious Avery Elizabeth.

Avery Then
Avery Now

In other news, we got a contract on our house!!! Thank you Lord! Closing date is May 29, exactly one month from today. Now we just need to find a house to move into ASAP. We appreciate your prayers that the Lord will guide us to just the right house for us and hopefully soon! Brian's parents offered to take us in if we don't close on our new house the same day, but we would prefer to have a new house to move into on May 29!!!

Baseball season has been postponed for two weeks due to the swine flue epidemic. I guess they are worried about it spreading in any large group of people. Pretty scary stuff. Unfortunately it looks like we will not get the pleasure of seeing Brian with a mo-hawk. Maybe next season.

School was cancelled yesterday b/c of the foot of rain we got over night. What a wonderful blessing! We all slept in and spent the day together driving around looking at houses and being amazed at all the crazy lakes of water everywhere. The street my school is on was completely under water even this morning. Half the teachers were late to work b/c they came one way, then when they came to where the road was impassable, they had to turn around and go back another way.

We also started TAKS testing today. Poor students. I feel so bad for them to have to endure this nightmare of a week. I also feel bad for myself that I have to administer the darned thing. Truly the most painfully boring week of my life each year. Watching 30 students write for 4 hours, handing them calculators or dictionaries when needed, writing the occasional bathroom pass, wishing I was allowed to sit at the computer or read a book or do anything besides stare at those poor students. AGHHH!

Avery's buddy, Rylin, just called her on the phone to wish her a happy birthday. I let Avery hold the phone, but I put my ear right next to it so I could hear the conversation. It was truly the cutest phone conversation I have ever heard! Here's a glimpse of a 4-year-old phone conversation:

Rylin: Hi Avery. It's Rylin.
Avery: Hi Rylin.
R: Whatcha doing?
A: Playing with my momma & my baby sister. (Me prompting her). What are you doing?
R: Playing with play dough with brother. What did you do today?
A: I got a Ariel & Sebastian bath toy and Nemo.
R: Avery, what are you doing now?
A: Um, holding momma's camera and i took a picture of my baby sister.
R: Happy birthday Avery.
A: Happy birthday Rylin. (Me prompting her). I mean, thank you.
R: Can my momma talk to your momma?
A: Yep. Bye.

I know it won't be so cute when she's 13 and glued to a cell phone, but at 4 years old, I was so proud of my big girl and her buddy having their own little conversation over the phone, I almost cried.

Happy Birthday, my sweet, serious, giggly, thoughtful, gentle, wild, brave, precious Ave! You have made my life fuller and happier than I could have ever dreamed!


Amanda said...

Happy birthday, sweet Avery! Melanie, I am so happy about your house! I'll be praying for you to find just the right one to move into. Yeah!

Erica said...

I hope you all had a fantastic time celebrating. Sure wish we could have been there! We will be praying for you and know that the Lord will lead you to the home he has prepared for your family!