Thursday, April 9, 2009

Look Who's 3 Months Old...

LANEY! Actually on the 13th she will be 3 months old, but what's 4 days?

She laughed for the first time a couple days ago, April 7, to be exact. (I need to write that in her baby book!) She was laying on Avery's bed and we were all playing around her. Tatum got right in her face and said something to her and she just started cackling the cutest little laugh I have ever heard! When we all noticed and started laughing with her, she did it again two more times! She is cooing and talking alot now, trying to tell us what's on her mind. She has officially outgrown her swaddler that she has slept in every night since she came home from the hospital. I bought a large size a couple days ago, but it is too big and she can wiggle out of it, so I don't know what to do. She's woken up alot the last two nights that I've put her in the new one, so I may just cram those long legs back in her small one until she really fits the bigger one. I know it's probably time to wean her off swaddling, but she is so content and sleeps so soundly when she's swaddled that I want to keep it up as long as she likes it.

We've had several showings of our house this week and one more tomorrow. We've gotten positive feedback but no offers yet. I never realized how much work it is showing a house! Cleaning it thoroughly almost every day and not letting anything pile up anywhere because you never know when you're going to get a call that someone wants to see it in less than an hour! But I must admit it is nice having a clean house without clutter. We've been doing a lot of playing outside so that the house can stay clean. Thankfully the weather has been very pleasant and Laney is so easy-going lately. As long as she can see & hear the girls & I, she is a happy camper. Right now she is laying on my lap kicking her chubby legs and sticking her tongue out at me. When I kiss her little toes, she gives me a big gurgly smile. How could it be any better than this?


Amanda said...

Ahhh! She is so precious!

Rachelle said...

Melanie, She is soooo cute!!! I bet it is so fun to see her big sisters interact with her. Wade and I have been spending a lot of time outside too, and I heard some little girl voices the other day. I thought it might be you guys. Crazy how close we live and we communicate through our blogs, hehehe. Oh, and don't feel bad about swaddling. Wade was swaddled until he was 5 months old. He slept so much better that way. I had a really soft (kind of t-shirt material) cotton blanket that you could pull tight and wrap around him, they work really well if you have one of those.

Jennifer Kindle said...

Hey, Mel...I really don't think it could get any better than this? Here on Earth anyway! She has grown so much and is so cute. I love her hair line.

Ronda said...

Laney is adorable!!!!!