avery had her first dentist appointment yesterday, i forgot to bring my camera, so the nice nurse took this one and emailed it to me. avery did great! we practiced saying "ahh" and opening her mouth on the way there, and when we got there, she yelled "ahh" really loud just like we practiced. it was pretty funny. good news: she has no cavitites. funny news: she is missing a tooth on the bottom, and it's genetic b/c tatum is missing the same one! you know on your bottom teeth you are supposed to have 4 teeth in the middle (between the "fang" teeth), well she only has 3. i asked the dentist if she would have 4 adult teeth there and he said probably not. she will probably just have 3 on the bottom. ha! thankfully it's on the bottom where it's not noticeable. anyway, she did a great job!
i also went to the dentist yesterday and was suprised that i had no cavities either! i was sure i had at least 3 or 4, but i don't! yeah!
i also took tatum to the pediatrician yesterday b/c she is still puking and has fever. he said the strep has cleared up and her ears look perfect, so he thinks she's developed some kind of virus. so he gave us some anti-nausea medicine that should help her stop puking. he said she is underweight now. she was 20lbs. 13 oz last week. now she is 20 lbs. 5 oz. she lost a whole half-pound in less than a week! poor little thing! thankyou, my sweet friends, for praying for her. i'll keep you updated.
today is avery's 3 birthday! i'm bummed to be at work right now, i wish i could be with her. but it's TAKS week so i must do my job. anyway, nana is in town to help celebrate. she gave avery a really cook shaker mp3 player and some fun art supplies. avery LOVES them! we downloaded alot of her fave songs (disney, veggietales, and david crowder) onto her shaker and she knows how to switch songs and turn it off and on. i got her a barbie doll and some new markers & sketch pad, but i'm going to give it to her tonight. what a blessing these 3 years have been!