Saturday, May 31, 2008

end the sentence

my good friend jennifer did this little game on her blog, so here is my version. read jennifer's too, she is expecting her 4th in less than 2 months. she has 3 boys and this one is a girl!!! she makes lots of cute baby gifts so check them out! please copy & paste these sentences into your blog too!

I just wanna...
rent a big RV and go for a long road trip with our family and see some things. i've only been to 6 states: texas, colorado, michigan, florida, arkansas, new mexico. i need to get out more.

Tomorrow I...
will be celebrating my 7th anniversary with my wonderful husband (it's actually monday, june 2, but we're leaving for austin tomorrow).

I have a...
mess all over my house. i can only see small sections of carpet in our house b/c the rest is currently covered with puzzle pieces, barbies, books, balls, other various toys, shoes, dirty laundry, couch pillows, etc. and the carpet i can see is stained with cool-aid, dirt, dog stuff, you name it. so in a few minutes when i get up to walk away from the computer i will need to choose my steps very carefully so i don't hurt myself.

Can't we...
get that RV and just leave?

This weekend...
is special, it is the end of school, the beginning of glorious summertime, our anniversary and our first time to be kid-less for two whole days (thanks mom & dad!)

In my spare time I...
usually consider doing dishes or picking up the house, but quickly relinquish those thoughts and return to my own selfish pleasures of sleep. read. blog. email. etc.

I can't believe...
i'm going to be 30 in a few months!

Who knew...
an NCAA softball commercial could bring tears to my eyes (the one with the little girls running out to the grass field with their gloves on, then you see them grow up to be college players) -
i seriously wept.

I can't...
believe i get to be a stay-at-home mom all summer, can i get a hallelujah?!

I love...
summer. late nights b/c we don't have to get up early. movies, eating out, going to the pool with the girls. doing whatever we want each day b/c there are no time-constraints. lazy days. summer is like a long weekend that lasts 3 months! i love it!

I absolutely can't stand..
trying to think of something i can't stand. i like most things & people.

I have lost...
my motivation to run. i miss that, but i don't see it coming back any time soon.

Can I have another...
hallelujah? it's summertime!

1 comment:

Jennifer Kindle said...

I've loved reading your last 2 blog sounds like all is going well and I can't believe you're going to be 30 either!!!! :) But I'm glad that someone else is not motivated to run!!! I think really hard about being active then realize how tired my body is and say, "forget it!" Have fun in Austin without the kiddos. Can't wait to see you guys this summer...